Yet Multimoto gave me, for this weekend, a Kawasaki Ninja 300, celebration edition. Beautiful!
Plotted as a destination Castro Daire, a land i didn`t visited since childhood, a time when travel to Penedono didn`t include IP5.

Quickly I went from Oliveira de Azeméis to Albergaria, thanks to bike aerodynamics. Then it was below the threaded curves along the Vouga; a road that already dubbed as a lamprey road.
With the constant zigzag, with low and medium speed corners, I could test the excellent Ninja body, very light and agile. I found the best way to bend on this bike: the knee; and I never asked anyone to marry.
After the friendly conversation, near Oliveira de Frades and lunch time, instead of following the Vouga,I turned to Cambra de Vouzela and went to the Taberna do Lavrador.

With the bountiful repast to invite the nap, the direction of travel has changed: I went to S. Pedro do Sul spa, where it was in a medieval feast. Then I went quietly in the direction of Castro Daire.

The village is being recovered, leaving its original character. Incoming us a restaurant where, inside, we can find crafts, sausages and homemade cheeses, visitors cards. And many have there been!
With the sun falling down, I headed to Arouca. Pssing Portal do Inferno, with towering cliffs on one side and the other, I stopped the bike and photographed it with the Gobbo the abyss.
Then I went quietly to Arouca and then to home. But before reaching the capital of brown eggs yet been chatting with a couple from Munich that was lost looking for the road to Espiunca. So lost that they were I almost lost me too!
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