We stopped in Luxor two days for several reasons: elections and prohibition to circulate in that day; initial change in the route to the court stage of the Western Sahara; celebrations of the fifth edition of Cross Egypt Challenge.
Luxor is a magical city, with the very famous temples of Karnac, the Valley of Kings and the Valley of the Queens, in addition to the bazaar and the Winter Palace.
Last year I was in the Valley of the Kings. Being able to see the temples immensity from the sky is something we cannot refuse, and barely gave me this opportunity, boarded a hot air balloon to fly over Luxor.
Even before sunrise, various colors balloons breathed and gave another color Luxor sky.
The sun rose and smiled temples. From the top, you can see the shadows, red and brown reflected on the gravestone of the Lords of Egypt. Upstairs, far above the flying birds, I saw the perfect line that separates the desert from the verdant banks of the Nile; life and death.
Down here, on our arrival, dozens of poor children riding their donkeys as horsemen and the typical smile of young people. " Photograph? Ten pounds! ".
During the afternoon, I, Drew, Chel, Katherine, Ralph, Pete and Greg went shopping for the Bazaar. Ralph, very Latin in his spirit of adventure but very German in everything else - it was not German! - Pay what the sellers were asking him because all was cheap, he said. I, with fewer pounds in my pocket and, above all, in the bank account, bargain the best to anger the Egyptians and to the astonishment and amusement of my shopping companions. I think I did good business, they haven`t offered me anything at the end, or a beetle or hymen for the fridge!
To party at our business success, we went to visit and drink a beer at the Winter Palace. Today a Sofitel hotel, once the only hotel in town, very british, perfect for archaeologists began to explore Luxor and that inspired Agatha Christie in many of his books.
The Winter Palace breathes the end of the nineteenth-century Europe, London and Paris salons breathe in the air; It would be perhaps one Tormes for those who designed such a hotel so far from everything else place.
To end the evening in beauty, as the next day no one would ride a motorcycle or scooter, some adventuring companions organized a Halloween party. And that bash!
In the hotel grounds, on the bank of the Nile, we laughed, danced, drank, took selfies - many selfies! - Depicted as living dead, as someone who has just had an accident or was recently transferred, forgetting of the return to bury again.
The next day, exhausted movies, books and patience. Patience.
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