domingo, 27 de novembro de 2016

31.10.15 - El Gouna | Cairo

The last stage of the Cross Egypt Challenge is usually a real adventure.
This year couldn`t be different: it was almost 600 km of rolling stage, in the opposite direction of the second stage, with an apotheosis in the traffic chaos of Cairo, forcing the Ring closure, connecting the city major points; At 16:30 we were in Cairo, after more than 10 hours on top of the scooter.
But before arrival, a difficult task to take a scooter with "Harley Sound" to Cairo.
The organazation didn´t repair the exaust muffin and a small scooter made a deafening noise. A riot of the Taiwanese - poor things, a scooter can`t make a noise! The CEC organization just tell me to roll between the last scooters and the trucks.
One mistake in your day-I make a worse step in two years of rallying.
As if that were not enough, I still have a girl who has never been sent her a tail or a motorcycle or a scooter to call my attention because my driving was dangerous: I was just walking very fast and jumped.
What counts are his friends and Drew left his group to come and roll with me.
In order to chaos but we can take as photos in the pyramids.
The arrival was chaos but we live the typical camaraderie in these moments, with many kisses, hugs, photos, flags of the various countries flying in the wind, lots of beer and promises of reunions.

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